“Sharing of Business Elites 2021” was organized by Quality Tourism Services Association (QTSA) and was held on 27 September 2021 (Monday). “Smart e-Marketing Strategies and Platform” was the theme of Sharing of Business Elites 2021 Afternoon Session. Mr. Matthew Kwan, Principal Consultant of Solomon Hong Kong, Mr. Jaguar Chan, Owner of Love Vintage Limited and Halo Offer Limited and Mr. Tiger Chan, Founder of Tiger Video Academy were the Guests Speakers. Mr. Matthew Kwan, Principal Consultant of Solomon Hong Kong was also the Guest Moderator of the Afternoon Session of Sharing of Business Elites 2021.
「翹楚匯2021」經驗分享會下午環節的主題為「智慧營銷新策略及平台」。嘉賓講者包括: 智勇商傳首席顧問關廣智(Matthew Kwan)先生,女鞋國及鞋佬生活百貨創辦人Jaguar Chan (鞋佬) 及 Tiger Video Academy 創辦人陳東怡先生,並由智勇商傳首席顧問關廣智(Matthew Kwan)先生擔任嘉賓主持。