2024-09-03: 社交媒體內容編製 BB班


日期:2024年9月3日 (星期二) 下午3時30分至5時30分

型式:網上 (Zoom 會議,只供已登記Zoom用戶)

對象/目的:中小企老闆、Sales & Marketing Managers, Online Shop Managers 【期望能理解主流的每個社交媒體內容格式特性,學習編輯製作相應的內容已達到最大的預期宣傳效果。】


  1. How to build a social media content strategy matrix?
    • Who are your target audience and how do they behave on social media?
    • What objectives do you want to achieve through social media contents?
  2. How to design a better content publishing schedule?
    • What are the types of contents? (Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin…)
    • How frequent should you publish?
    • How to design contents for better engagement?
  3. How to achieve better results with your social media content?
    • Branding / Awareness
    • Customer Base
    • Sales
  4. Should I advertise on social media?
  5. How to track my results?

費用:每位HK$1,288 (2位或以上再9折;8月13日前成功付款,早鳥優惠: HK$1,166 )

語言:廣東話 (配合英文教材)

Matthew Kwan
見證及經歷Yahoo, Google, Facebook, Youtube, WeChat….等電子及社交媒體的掘起
多年服務於國際大型企業,包括Intel, JP Morgan, Jardines
經常被邀於各大商業機構、公開場合主講 Digital Marketing、eCommerce、SEO、Social Media 等題目