讀神學對商業有咩幫助? 2020年5月2 日【世界大學堂】新城電台「新城教育+」 凌羽一博士邀請到Soloman Hong Kong首席顧問關廣智先生同大家分享佢讀書就業嘅心路歷程!
讀神學對商業有咩幫助? 2020年5月2 日【世界大學堂】新城電台「新城教育+」 凌羽一博士邀請到Soloman Hong Kong首席顧問關廣智先生同大家分享佢讀書就業嘅心路歷程!
Repeatedly, I learnt from different people who has taught me that I should systematically reserve time to learn…”lifelong learning”. This is something very challenging to a lot of us as we are too busy to solve our daily problems and not putting our priority on learning. Somehow, it is not a matter of time you …
When you start with any business, you must bear in mind that “Simplicity is always the key to success. I have seen may business owners or managers who are making the processes or the business plan far too complicated than it should be. At the end of the day, you will never have a way …
You do not need to start up your own company to gain entrepreneurship, and in fact, you need to be an entrepreneur to be successful in business. Entrepreneurship is an attitude, a mindset, a way of thinking and something you need to internalize. So, are you an entrepreneur? Here are some questions you may ask …
10 Questions to determine your attitude as an Entrepreneur Read More »
Many entrepreneurs and small business owners have great business ideas and this is reflected in their products and services. These great business ideas are mostly sound but lack one very important element of good business strategy — Cash Flow. Many businesses fail not because their ideas are flawed but they just could not maintain their …
After having talked to many business owners and managers, I found a cruel phenomenon is that a lot of them are often ignorant for not going through any structured business planning process at all even having started their businesses for sometime. I am compelled to share this article as it is dear to my heart …