Each of the session is one hour and topics can be agreed beforehand. The following are some potential areas of interest.
Potential Areas of Interest:
1.Choosing Online Shop Options 建立網店的最佳選項
- Platform Vs Own eShop 使用平台還是自家店
- Online Payment Gateway Consideration 網上付款平台的考慮
- Promotion/Membership/Affiliates 宣傳 / 會員 / 聯盟
- Website Analytics/Marketing Analytics 網站數據/宣傳推廣數據
2. How to build up Awareness? 如何建立知名度
- Search Engine Optimization 免費宣傳的搜尋器優化
- Social Media Marketing 社交媒體宣傳
- WhatsApp/eMail Marketing 短訊/電郵宣傳
- YouTube Marketing 宣傳
- Search Keywords Advertising 搜尋關鍵字廣告
- Digital Advertising (Keyword/Display/Image/Banner/Video) 數碼電子廣告
- Live Broadcast Selling 直播、帶貨
3.How to create better UX (User Experience) to achieve more conversion? 如何利用更好的客戶經驗達到更多的成果?
- Overall Branding (naming, color, layout…etc) 整體品牌考慮
- Checkout Experience 付款過程經驗
- Creditability/Stability/Service Commitment…etc 信譽/穩定性/服務誠諾
4.How to create Sales Funnel to achieve more conversion? 如何製造銷售流程達到更多的成果?
- Landing Page 宣傳頁面
- Interest/Consideration/Intent/Buy/Return 銷售流程
- Offers (Limited, Time Bound, Cross & Up Selling, Bumper…etc) 銷售策略
5.How to grow Sales through 3R Strategy? 如何使用3R策略增加銷售?
- Return customers 回頭客
- Repeat customers 長期客
- Referral customers 介紹客